You are a private investigator. You were invited to the airship by Engineer Garin. Garin received threatening letters. Unknown people demanded to abandon the idea of using a beam cannon in the Arctic, because the small nations of the North and Arctic animals could suffer. Engineer Garin has instructed you to find out who is threatening him. The letters were typed on a typewriter. The author is well educated in physics and ethnography. Garin assumed the attacker would buy a ticket on a dirigible.

Gentleman thief. You used to be a thief, but you only robbed the rich. In India, you hunted a ruby of the goddess Kali, which belonged to an English lord. Adele was after the same ruby. You fell in love with her, but she set you up and ran off with the ruby. You ended up in prison.

On the airship, you met Adele again. You're determined to marry her. She definitely likes you. But Adele pretends not to recognize you. She's in some kind of trouble. You must help her - it's a gentleman's thing to do and it might win her heart to you.

Trick. When Amadeus announced his trick, you looked around the library, tapped the walls and found no secret doors. The locks were intact, and the portholes were impossible for a human to fit through.
  • At 16.00–16.30:
    Engineer Garin calls you in and shows you an open safe - the prototype of the beam cannon has been stolen! It must be found. The prototype is on charge - when it is charged, it can be used to make just one shot. You decided to question the guests after Amadeus's trick and advised Garin to change the code of the safe.
  • At exactly 17.00:
    Amadeus was locked in the library with three locks. One key was given to you, two were taken by Adelle and Satuola. Engineer Garin has tied an orange scarf on Dassin so that he can be followed when going on board, where people are wearing wide fur coats and cannot be identified.
  • 16.30–17.00:
    Амадеус объявил о своём фокусе, вы осмотрели библиотеку, простучали стены и не обнаружили потайных дверей. Замки были исправны, а в иллюминаторы человеку не пролезть.
  • 17.00:
    Ровно в 17.00 Амадеуса заперли в библиотеке на 3 замка. 1 ключ отдали вам, 2 взяли себе Адель и Сатуола. Инженер Гарин повязал Дассену оранжевый шарф, чтоб за ним можно было следить при выходе на борт, где люди одеты в широкие шубы и их трудно отличить друг от друга.
  • 17.00–17.10:
    You made your way to the salon and tried to talk to Adele. There were Gabriel, Adele, Garin, Dowel, Flagg, Clémont in the cabin.
  • 17.10–17.20:
    Gabriel and Garin came out together. Someone in a fur coat and an orange scarf came in, hiding their face, you thought it was Dassin. That leaves Adele, Dowel, Flegg, Clémont.
  • В 17.21
    Adele left the cabin, a couple minutes later the lights on the airship went out for a second. At this time there were Burns, Satuola, Dowel, Flegg, Clémont and the man in the scarf in the cabin.
  • 17.22–17.30:
    Satuola, Dowel, Flegg, Clémont and Gabriel were in the salon.
  • At exactly 17.30
    in the salon, Amadeus announced that Dassin was in the locked library. Suddenly, Gabriel announced that he had replaced Dassin with Engineer Garin. They found Garin in the library. Dead.
You've examined the crime scene. The chair containing the corpse is wooden, but the handles are made of brass. Brass is a conductor of electricity. The corpse's hands were on the metal parts of the arms of the chair.

You need to consult the doctor and someone who specializes in electricity.

You need to question the magicians to find out how the trick was done and what went wrong.

The murderer, genuine or not, must be identified before arriving in Paris - and convince the others to stick to the same story. Otherwise, the authorities will start digging into the passengers' pasts, and that's dangerous for you and Adele. Besides, it's a matter of a detective's professional reputation.

You're gallant with the ladies and always give compliments to them.
  • To find the murderer or to declare Garin's death an accident before the dirigible arrives in Paris - so that you or Adele will not be blamed.
  • To prevent other deaths on the airship.
  • To find out what Adele is hiding and get her to agree to marry you.
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