Explorer. You are an explorer in the Arctic. You have bought a ticket on an airship to land at the North Pole and walk from there on skis to the Russian island of Franz Josef Land. There you will meet up with the polar expedition of the explorer Captain Kolchak.

Prince. You are actually a prince from the Central European country of Moravia. You are fighting against the Austro-Hungarian Empire that has taken over the country. “ Flagg” is an alias; because you need be aware of the Austro-Hungarian spies! You need Garin's beam cannon as a weapon. You were going to buy it from Garin.

Mysterious land. Your colleague, the Arctic explorer, is dead, but they found some coordinates in his hand. You wanted to persuade engineer Garin to change the course of the airship a little and fly over these coordinates to find out what is there.

On the airship, you talked to Satuola - he is a professor of physics and well versed in Arctic ethnography. Satuola tells you that he is fighting to save endangered northern peoples and rare animals.

Adele is familiar to you - you saw her a few years ago in India. She was involved in a story about the theft of a ruby from an English lord. Adele now works for the French government. They probably want Engineer Garin's beam cannon too, but you have no intention of giving it up.

When Amadeus announced the trick, you examined the library, tapped the walls and found no secret doors. The locks were intact, and the porthole was impossible for a human to fit through

Explorer. You are an explorer in the Arctic. You have bought a ticket on an airship to land at the North Pole and walk from there on skis to the Russian island of Franz Josef Land. There you will meet up with the polar expedition of the explorer Captain Kolchak.

Prince. You are actually a prince from the Central European country of Moravia. You are fighting against the Austro-Hungarian Empire that has taken over the country. “ Flagg” is an alias; because you need be aware of the Austro-Hungarian spies! You need Garin's beam cannon as a weapon. You were going to buy it from Garin.

On the airship, you talked to Satuola - he is a professor of physics and well versed in Arctic ethnography. Satuola tells you that he is fighting to save endangered northern peoples and rare animals.

Adele is familiar to you - you saw her a few years ago in India. She was involved in a story about the theft of a ruby from an English lord. Adele now works for the French government. They probably want Engineer Garin's beam cannon too, but you have no intention of giving it up.

When Amadeus announced the trick, you examined the library, tapped the walls and found no secret doors. The locks were intact, and the porthole was impossible for a human to fit through
Mysterious land.
Your colleague, the Arctic explorer, is dead, but they found some coordinates in his hand. You wanted to persuade engineer Garin to change the course of the airship a little and fly over these coordinates to find out what is there.
But the airship has not yet reached this place...

  • At exactly 17.00:
    Amadeus was locked in the library with 3 locks. One key was given to you, the other two were taken by Adele and Lupin. Engineer Garin put an orange scarf on Dassin so that he could be followed when going on board, where people are wearing wide fur coats and can't be recognized.
  • 17.00:
  • 17.00–17.10:
    You were in your stateroom. You tried to throw the prototype beam cannon overboard - but it got caught on a ledge near the porthole of Amadeus's cabin.
  • 17.10–17.20:
    You were in your cabin and tried to retrieve the prototype cannon with a mop, but failed.
  • At 17.21
    You went into the salon. Burns, Amadeus, Lupin, Dowel, Flegg, Clémont were there. The man in the orange scarf was sitting in the corner. The lights went out for a second - an unexpected power failure.
  • 17.22–17.30:
    There were Gabriel, Lupin, Dowel, Flegg, Clémont in the salon.
  • At exactly 17.30
    in the salon, Amadeus announced that Dassin was in the locked library. Suddenly, Gabriel announced that he had replaced Dassin with Engineer Garin. They found Garin in the library. Dead.
Unfortunately, it's too late to negotiate a purchase! But if you get a prototype beam cannon, Moravian scientists can use it to build real big guns. The prototype beam cannon might be in Engineer Garin's safe, along with the electrical diagram of the airship.

You examined the crime scene and found that the handles of the chair are made of brass, with electrical wires secretly connected to them. Somewhere, but not in the library, there's a switch that closes the circuit - when it's down, current flows into the chair. Now the current is off, the circuit is not closed.

To figure out where the switch is, you need to look at the airship's electrical diagram.

After the power failure, the airship's course could be affected. The airship must be operated by someone who knows about electricity. You, for example.

Garin's killer must be identified before you arrive to Paris, and everyone must be convinced to stick to the same story. Otherwise, the authorities will start digging into the passengers' backgrounds. They'll find out you're a prince, and your enemies will be able to get to you. An inspection of the scene will provide clues to the investigation.

You are not ashamed to express to people around you what you think of them and their suggestions.
  • To find the murderer of Engineer Garin or to declare his death an accident before you arrive in Paris - to avoid being blamed and to keep the secret.
  • To obtain the prototype of the beam cannon by persuasion and blackmail.
  • To fly an airship over the location given in the coordinates.
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