Oh, that damned Henry got to you! You couldn't stand that nasty old man any longer. Sometimes it was completely impossible to understand whether he was joking or really threatening you. So yesterday, instead of giving you your salary by Christmas, he began hinting that information about your “sins” was worth much more. All night you thought about what had happened. Is he making fun of you? Who the hell is he? By lunchtime, you decided that you would not say another word to him! You took a knife and entered the house with the firm intention of killing Henry. Even if he has dirt on you somewhere, this information will go with him. And many people will thank you for saving them from a tyrant! But I did not have to fulfill my plan. Henry was lying lifeless near the stairs of the second floor. It's good that no one knew about your intentions. Keep this secret, or you will receive three points of distrust per day.