You pretend to be a correspondent from a respectable newspaper. In fact, you're from a rather small publishing house and you have stolen an airship ticket from a famous reporter. Your real name is Montaigne. You carry a cigarette case engraved “To Dear Montaigne.”

Your expertise is investigative journalism. The more interesting material you get, the more money and fame you get.

You know that:

- Lupin used to be a thief. He was involved in the theft of the ruby of the goddess Kali from an English lord in India. Lupin was arrested, but the ruby was never found on him;

- Adele is looking for a way to cure her sick sister. She is actually working for the French government;

- Gabriel and Amadeus used to disrupt each other's performances. Amadeus overpowered Gabriel; the latter had to leave and pursue a career abroad;

- Dassin knows medicine well, but he doesn't have a medical degree, he admitted that to you;

- Satuola fights to save endangered animals in the Arctic and knows ethnography;

- Dowel knows Dr. Stern, a scientist who is rumored to be experimenting on humans. And Dowel himself is rumored to be experimenting on humans;

- Captain Flagg is actually the Prince of Moravia, fighting to liberate his country from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

You pretend to be a correspondent from a respectable newspaper. In fact, you're from a rather small publishing house and you have stolen an airship ticket from a famous reporter. Your real name is Montaigne. You carry a cigarette case engraved “To Dear Montaigne.”

Your expertise is investigative journalism. The more interesting material you get, the more money and fame you get.

You know that:

- Lupin used to be a thief. He was involved in the theft of the ruby of the goddess Kali from an English lord in India. Lupin was arrested, but the ruby was never found on him;

- Adele is looking for a way to cure her sick sister. She is actually working for the French government;

- Gabriel and Amadeus used to disrupt each other's performances. Amadeus overpowered Gabriel; the latter had to leave and pursue a career abroad;

- Dassin knows medicine well, but he doesn't have a medical degree, he admitted that to you;

- Satuola fights to save endangered animals in the Arctic and knows ethnography;

- Dowel knows Dr. Stern, a scientist who is rumored to be experimenting on humans. And Dowel himself is rumored to be experimenting on humans;

- Captain Flagg is actually the Prince of Moravia, fighting to liberate his country from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

  • 16.00:
    you and Dowel passed by Engineer Garin's quarters and unintentionally overheard a conversation: Garin said that his prototype of a ray gun was stolen, and asked the interlocutor to find the disappearance! The cannon, when charged, can fire only one shot.
  • 17.00:
    When Amadeus announced the trick, you looked around the library, tapped the walls, and found no secret doors. The locks were functional, and the portholes were impossible for a human to fit through.
    At exactly 5:00 p.m., Amadeus was locked in the library with three locks. Lupin, Adele and Satuola took the keys. Engineer Garin tied Dassin an orange scarf so that he could be watched when going on board, where people are dressed in wide fur coats that hide their figure.
  • 17.00–17.10:
    You went into the salon. There were: Gabriel, Adele, Garin, Lupin, Dowel, and Flegg.
  • 17.10–17.20:
    Gabriel and Garin came out together. Someone in a fur coat and an orange scarf came in, hiding their face, you thought it was Dassin. That leaves Adele, Lupin, Dowel, Flagg.
  • В 17.21
    Adele left the cabin, a couple minutes later the lights on the dirigible went out for a second. At this time there were Burns, Satuola, Lupin, Dowel, Flagg, and a man in a scarf in the cabin.
  • 17.22–17.30:
    Satuola, Lupin, Dowel, Flegg and Gabriel were in the salon.
  • Ровно в 17.30
    in the salon, Amadeus announced that Dassin was in the locked library. Suddenly Gabriel announced that he had replaced Dassin with Engineer Garin. They found Garin in the library. Dead...
Убийство! Вы расследуете его, и получится сенсация! Имя убийцы непременно нужно выяснить до прилёта в Париж, иначе вам никто не даст совать нос в следствие.

Вы постоянно задаёте вопросы окружающим - вам есть дело до всего!

  • To find the murderer of Engineer Garin OR to pass off his death as an accident - to write a sensational report and not be accused yourself.
  • To find out the fate of the missing prototype of the beam cannon - that would make a hot story too.
  • To investigate an interesting story from the past of somebody on board.
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