The role can be played by either a man or a woman. The brochure, for simplicity's sake, is written as if the character were male.

You are an aristocrat and a famous illusionist. You have bought a ticket on an airship, wanting to get an unusual tour and prove that you are the best magician in the world.

Secret. Early in your career, you accidentally killed an assistant. Your influential relatives covered it up. But ever since then, you've been afraid to come up with tricks on your own. You use your assistants' ideas, but they sign a confidentiality agreement.

Rival. A few years ago, you offered Gabriel, an aspiring magician, to be your assistant for good money. He declined, so you started disrupting his performances. Gabriel tried to disrupt yours in return, but you won. Gabriel left and made a career abroad. Now his fame threatens to eclipse yours.

Magic trick. Burns is your assistant, posing as a millionaire heir for a cover. You bought him a ticket on an airship. Burns realized there's a secret door in the library. If you press the secret button on the starboard side, a piece of wall can be moved. The door can't be detected by tapping - it's the same thickness as the walls.

With the help of Burns, you came up with the locked room trick, told engineer Garin about it, and he put the library at your disposal. You agreed with Dassin that he would replace you and keep the secret of the trick. You promised to pay him. Dassin was Burns' choice.

You announced that you would perform a trick: get out of a locked library and put Dassin in it!
The role can be played by either a man or a woman. The brochure, for simplicity's sake, is written as if the character were male.

You are an aristocrat and a famous illusionist. You have bought a ticket on an airship, wanting to get an unusual tour and prove that you are the best magician in the world.

Secret. Early in your career, you accidentally killed an assistant. Your influential relatives covered it up. But ever since then, you've been afraid to come up with tricks on your own. You use your assistants' ideas, but they sign a confidentiality agreement.

Rival. A few years ago, you offered Gabriel, an aspiring magician, to be your assistant for good money. He declined, so you started disrupting his performances. Gabriel tried to disrupt yours in return, but you won. Gabriel left and made a career abroad. Now his fame threatens to eclipse yours.

Magic trick. Burns is your assistant, posing as a millionaire heir for a cover. You bought him a ticket on an airship. Burns realized there's a secret door in the library. If you press the secret button on the starboard side, a piece of wall can be moved. The door can't be detected by tapping - it's the same thickness as the walls.

With the help of Burns, you came up with the locked room trick, told engineer Garin about it, and he put the library at your disposal. You agreed with Dassin that he would replace you and keep the secret of the trick. You promised to pay him. Dassin was Burns' choice.

You announced that you would perform a trick: get out of a locked library and put Dassin in it!
  • 17.00:
    The passengers examined the library, made sure that no human could get through the portholes, and at 5 p.m. they locked you up with 3 locks. Lupin, Adele and Sautuola took the keys. Engineer Garin tied Dassin an orange scarf so he could be followed when going on board, where people are wearing wide fur coats and can't be identified.
  • 17.00–17.10:
    Dassin walked into the library from the starboard side. You put on a fur coat to go out, Dassin gave you an orange scarf to be taken for him; plus the scarf is convenient for hiding your face. Burns stood on the starboard side and made sure no one interfered with you and Dassin.
  • 17.10–17.20:
    You made your way into the cabin, almost bumping into Gabriel and Garin, who were getting off. You covered yourself with a scarf and sat down in the darkest corner. There you took your coat off: you couldn't see your figure in the chair, and everyone's suits were similar. There were Lupin, Adele, Dowel, Flegg, Clémont in the salon.
  • At 17.21
    the lights on the airship went out for a second. In the cabin at this time were: Burns, Lupin, Satuola, Dowel, Flagg, Clémont.
  • 17.22–17.30:
    You walked to your cabin to prepare to leave.

    In your quarters, looking out the porthole, you saw a prototype beam cannon - it was caught on a ledge by the porthole. Someone had thrown it away. You took the prototype, but you can't show it openly - no one will believe you found it by accident!
  • At exactly 17.30
    you returned to the cabin and announced that Dassin was in the library. However, Gabriel decided to spoil your triumph - he announced that he had replaced Dassin with Engineer Garin. Engineer Garin was indeed found in the library. Dead...

Убийцу, настоящего или нет, нужно указать до прилета в Париж. Иначе власти будут копаться в прошлом каждого пассажира. Всплывет история об убийстве ассистента, и вашей карьере конец. Если не удастся найти настоящего преступника, подставьте Габриэля, чтобы этот выскочка не обошёл вас! Прототип лучевой пушки вам не нужен, но можно извлечь из него выгоду. Чтобы не быть обвинённым в краже, хорошо бы отдать его тому, кому он нужен!
Убийцу, настоящего или нет, нужно указать до прилета в Париж. Иначе власти будут копаться в прошлом каждого пассажира. Всплывет история об убийстве ассистента, и вашей карьере конец. Если не удастся найти настоящего преступника, подставьте Габриэля, чтобы этот выскочка не обошёл вас!

Прототип лучевой пушки вам не нужен, но можно извлечь из него выгоду.
Чтобы не быть обвинённым в краже, отдайте прототип тому, кому он нужен!

Вы любите привлекать внимание и стараетесь делать это не реже, чем раз в 15 минут.

  • To find Garin's real killer, or to frame Gabriel - so that you won't be accused of murder.
  • To hide the fact that you're not the one who's been working on your tricks.
  • To get to Paris safely..
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