You are one of the best secret agents serving humanity. You are smart, determined, and adventurous. You have to investigate challenging cases and carry out delicate missions. More than once you have prevented global disasters that could have destroyed the entire world.

Now you're assigned a new case. Santa Claus was frozen at the New Year and Christmas Employees' Convention, and only the person who did this disgusting thing could unfreeze him. It is unlikely that the villain will do it in good faith, so it is necessary to identify the criminal and arrest him. Otherwise, the children in half of the world will remain without gifts for the New Year! This will be a global tragedy!
Besides, you have a personal reason to unfreeze Santa Claus. Many years ago, when you were a small child raised in an orphanage, Santa Claus was the only one who gave you presents. Now you feel you owe him a favor.

The magic world has its own laws, and you can only arrest someone who is identified by the majority of people present. Therefore, your task is not only to collect evidence, build a complete picture of the crime and identify the villain, but also to convince everyone else that you are right. Before going to the scene, you received

Location: America.

Occupation: Giving children New Year's gifts and creating a festive atmosphere.

Relationship status: Married to the Snow Queen, but does not reveal the marriage.

Recent activities: Santa Claus strengthened his position in America and began to spread his influence throughout Europe. In particular, he has been active in Holland (which is traditionally the territory of Black Peter and his boss) and in Finland (on the territory of Joulupukki). According to unconfirmed reports, he was also going to extend his activities to the Arctic Circle. What representatives of the New Year's business think about the unwelcome competition remains unclear.
Recently, Santa Claus made an agreement with the Yeti (Bigfoot) people that he would give them New Year's gifts as well.

Business contacts: Santa Claus used to get his New Year's gifts from gnomes, but then he stopped working with them and signed a new contract with elves. According to unverified reports, the gnomes are extremely dissatisfied.

You have also received a list of the participants of this meeting who have been with Santa Claus for the past few hours. These are the Grinch, @SnowGirl2002, the Snow Queen, Joulupukki, Black Peter, the Elf, the Gnome, the Bigfoot, and the Domovoy. Unfortunately, no one can be excluded as a suspect yet - not only do many people have magic items with freezing functions, but these items can work in the hands of strangers as well.

One name on the list caught your eye: @SnowGirl2002. Her social media profile with thousands of likes interested you. You often admire women and are usually very popular among them. Now you want to impress @SnowGirl2002 - without harming the investigation, of course. But why not be extra nice to her and tell her a few compliments on the chance?

Tip: help the discussion. Make sure everyone has a chance to speak. It's important to give the word to everyone around. If the audience often interrupts each other, stop them and give the person who started speaking the opportunity to finish.

Ladies and gentlemen. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused by the investigation process. I hope it will not last long, because you are all ready to help me find the criminal. With your help, we will find him or her quickly. Let's start right now. Let everyone tell me what kind of relationship they had with Santa Claus and whether you know of anyone who could possibly harm him. Please take your turn to speak.
- To investigate the criminal freezing of Santa, accurately name the criminal and the object of the crime. Only then it will be possible to unfreeze Santa Claus in time for Christmas. Arrest the criminal.
- Investigate the theft of the bag, and if it was the work of another character, arrest him as well
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